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How to choose e-liquid for a begin

In this article, we analyze the most relevant topic for beginners - the choice of liquid for electronic cigarettes, since the taste and smell of vapor depends on it.
A novice vaper is faced with a large number of brands and flavors, as well as the selection of liquid for a device model. We will go into detail about what you need to consider when choosing.

     4 important criteria:

  • fortress (percentage of nicotine);
  • the ratio of glycerol (VG) and propylene glycol (PG);
  • type of electronic cigarette evaporator;
  • taste characteristics of the liquid.

     This is the main factor. If you choose the wrong strength, then a beginner may encounter problems such as insufficient nicotine or a strong throat hit.
     Liquids are prepared on the basis of regular and salt nicotine. It depends on the throat hit. There are also nicotine-free e-liquids. They are preferred by those who want to completely give up nicotine.
     The strength of regular nicotine per 1 ml of liquid can be 0, 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 18 mg.
     Possible strengths of salt nicotine per 1 ml of liquid are 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 65 mg.
     Do not compare the strength of vape liquid with the strength of regular cigarettes. In them, the strength is calculated by the amount of nicotine in mg per 1 cigarette.
     The strength is selected depending on the vaporization of the electronic cigarette. Devices are available with two types of traction - cigarette and hookah. The first produces about the same amount of vapor as the smoke from traditional cigarettes. For her, liquids on regular nicotine should contain 3-12 mg, and on salt - 15-65 mg. Devices with hookah cravings are suitable for liquids with 5-10 mg of salt nicotine or 0-6 mg of regular nicotine.
     You need to choose a strength for yourself, but we do not recommend that beginners buy liquid with a strength higher than we indicated.
The ratio of the main components
     The volume of steam depends on the content of vegetable glycerin (VG). Propylene glycol (PG) influences taste and strength sensations. The more this component is contained in the liquid, the more saturated the taste of the vapor will be and the stronger the throat hit will be.
     The ratio of glycerin and propylene glycol is an indicator that affects the comfort of vaping. It affects the density of the liquid and the sensation of taste.
     The main types of ratios and features of their use

  • 80 VG / 20 PG, 75 VG / 25 PG - provides maximum vapor puffs. With this ratio, the liquid is obtained as thick as possible. Only powerful devices, drips and tanks for hookah traction can be filled with e-liquid. This option is definitely not for beginner vapers.
  • 70 VG / 30 PG - the optimal ratio that is necessary for electronic cigarettes with hookah cravings. It delivers a soft throat hit, excellent vapor density, and an intense flavor despite large puffs of steam.
  • 60 VG / 40 PG, 65 VG / 35 PG - is considered a universal ratio, as it is suitable for 90% of electronic cigarettes. The liquid is characterized by moderate density, throat hit, strong and beautiful vapor, and saturation.
  • 50 VG/50 PG is a great choice for devices with cigarette cravings. The density of the liquid is optimal, which helps it to easily enter the evaporator even with small intake holes. This ratio will give a strong hit to the throat and rich taste with a small amount of vapor.

Type of evaporator
     Incorrectly selected fluid can cause the evaporator to burn or leak. That is why you first need to pay attention to the type of evaporator, and then choose the desired VG / PG ratio. So, for example, if the liquid intake holes in the evaporators are small, then by pouring liquids with a VG ratio of more than 60, you guarantee the rapid occurrence of burns. The reason is that the evaporator wool will not receive enough liquid.
     If you start noticing a burnt taste within the first few days of buying a new fluid, then propylene glycol (PG) should be added to the fluid. In cases where fluid flows out of the holes or spits when tightening, then the amount of PG should be increased.
     Taste variety is the main advantage of electronic cigarettes. Giving advice about tastes does not make sense, as this is an individual matter. Some people like classic tobacco blends without additional impurities, while others like sweet dessert or fruit mixes. The only advice is to start with mono-flavors. So you can learn to distinguish between them and quickly understand what you like.
     The category of premium liquids in most cases includes liquids of foreign production, mainly American. E-liquids from the USA are in demand all over the world due to their unique flavors and guaranteed high taste.
It is worth noting that the manufacturing technology and composition of these liquids is the same as in those produced in Ukraine and other countries. Whether it is worth overpaying for a brand is your choice.

     It is not necessary to buy ready-made liquid. You can mix it yourself. To do this, you can purchase a ready-made base and flavor or all the components separately - glycerin, propylene glycol and nicotine. Your task is to mix all the ingredients in the right proportions. This solution helps you save money. Perhaps this is one of the few advantages. Self-mixing takes time and is suitable for those who like to do experiments. For beginners, we recommend starting with ready-made liquids. Making a batch requires understanding what product you want to get and skill. Without experience, you risk wasting money.
Some Helpful Tips
1. The lack of certificates and data on the expiration date and recommendations for storage, as well as careless packaging, will help to recognize a low-quality liquid.
2. Don't stock up on liquid. For one vaper per day, on average, 2 mg of liquid is enough. A 20 ml pack is enough for 10 days.
3. Keep the liquid in a cool place where light does not penetrate.
     Choosing and storing your e-liquid carefully will help you enjoy your vaping experience to the fullest.

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