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Cheap electronic steam generators. Advantages and disadvantages

So, the choice has been made: you have decided to quit smoking (well, or at least minimize the harm caused to yourself and others by regular cigarettes). First, forever. After inquiring on the Internet, among friends, and after thinking it over, you came to the conclusion that achieving what you want with the help of an electronic steam generator is perhaps one of the most optimal solutions.
Indeed, in this way, the amount of nicotine consumed can be reduced gradually (reaching eventually nicotine-free liquids), and there is no need to worry about passive smoking, and the composition of the filling is as simple and clear as possible (no tar, no carcinogens, no oxidation products). At the same time, you also continue to "smoke", only instead of acrid cigarette smoke - harmless to others and instantly dissipating steam.
In general, the last nuance remained - the choice of a suitable device. And just at this point, most novice vipers have a dilemma: buy a cheap electronic steam generator (“what if I don’t like it?”) Or immediately buy a high-quality device (“if you get down to business, then seriously”).

Let's look at both options.
Inexpensive electronic cigarettes: "cheap and cheerful"
A cheap or disposable steam generator is a kind of trial for
those who have not yet decided whether to switch to e-smoking or not.
After all, from the side you can hear a lot of opinions: someone is simply delighted with
vaping, but for someone, on the contrary, the transition failed, and he returned to his usual
tobacco. Because cheap electronic steam generators give a kind of 

the opportunity to try vaping in general, to understand the essence of the use
"electronic" and feel all the features of the transition.
Why cheap
or disposable steam generators -
not the best solution?
Despite the very attractive cost, inexpensive electronic steam generators have a lot of nuances:
1. Impossibility of repair
In order to minimize the price of the device, manufacturers use far from the highest quality elements and materials in the manufacture. For example, the specialists of our service center are often ready to take on the solution of almost any problem, but they do not repair cheap and disposable electronic steam generators. Why? Because it is often simply impossible: almost all parts in such models are designed for one-time use, and after a breakdown, either the purchase of new consumables (which, by the way, is not so easy to find), or the purchase of a new inexpensive electronic steam generator. However, as practice shows, the user does not look for anything and does not buy more, but simply refuses electronic smoking, having received only a negative experience from vaping.
2. Outdated evaporation systems
The more modern technological solutions are used in an electronic steam generator, the more expensive it is. Therefore, when buying inexpensive electronic steam generators in the UK, immediately count on the fact that the evaporator in them will have an upper position with the ends of the wick brought out (moreover, in disposable electronic steam generators, the evaporation system will not be able to be replaced at all). Of course, the device will work, but not as efficiently as models with modern evaporation systems. The result is that the vaporizer is very demanding in operation and maintenance, and it is much more difficult to adapt to electronic smoking. Because, most likely, the user is very fast will return to regular cigarettes again, tk. and they do not need to be serviced, and smoking is easier and more familiar.

3. False specifications
The popularity of disposable steam generators, as well as cheap "electronics", due to low cost, unfortunately, absolutely does not correspond to the performance and quality of the purchased device. Often, a novice viper is faced with inflated promises regarding the characteristics of the device - in particular, battery capacity. As a result of repeated tests and comparisons, the specialists of our service center revealed deviations of 25-50% between the declared and actual performance of a cheap electric battery. cigarettes. And all because energy-efficient batteries have a corresponding cost, which in itself contradicts the concept of a cheap electronic steam generator. However, for the purpose of effective advertising, manufacturers claim higher performance, relying on the fact that the user will not be able to check this information. To do this, you will have to disassemble the case, remove the battery and test it on a battery analyzer.
4. Short duration of use
As we have already said, the popularity of disposable electronic steam generators, as well as inexpensive models of "electronics", is largely due to their low cost and the opportunity to try electronic smoking. However, along with a low price and a thirst for experimentation, you also get a number of nuances: a cheap one, like any disposable electronic steam generator, is not reliable and stable, does not allow you to choose exactly the model that meets your needs, and quickly fails.
Therefore, if your experiment drags on, the obvious result is taste and vapor characteristics that do not suit you, unnecessary maintenance problems and the final (and rather quick!) breakdown. In this case, often there is nothing left but disappointment, and therefore you will tell your friends and acquaintances precisely about your negative 

experience. And without mentioning that you used, perhaps, the cheapest electronic steam generators, without prior individual selection of the device (which, by the way, is simply necessary!).
By the way: not so long ago we conducted a survey among our customers on the use of electronic steam generators. As a result, we wanted to know how many people completely quit smoking regular cigarettes thanks to e-cigarettes, how many switched completely to ES, what percentage combines regular cigarettes and electronic vaporizers, and also how many users returned to tobacco. Moreover, during the survey, we kind of casually asked about the manufacturer of the device used.
The results of the survey clearly showed that those who bought cheap electronic vaporizers in the UK and used only them, in most cases returned to regular cigarettes. Moreover, the owners of high-quality individually selected devices did not show such a trend. The conclusion here is simple: as they say, "the miser pays twice." If you want to buy cheap electronic steam generators, do not have any illusions and immediately prepare yourself for the fact that the result will most likely disappoint you.
5. Lack of choice
As we have already said, an electronic cigarette should be selected strictly individually. Why? The fact is that each user has his own preferences, starting with the design and ending with the desired functions of the device, the intensity and manner of smoking. For some, compactness and simplicity are important, someone needs an energy-intensive device that can provide high power, someone wants to be able to independently maintain the evaporation system, achieving the most individual performance. In general, to each his own.
Disposable cigarettes, as well as any low-quality "electronics" of a low price category, exclude such a gradation. All such devices have similar characteristics and do not provide an opportunity to choose exactly what is ideal for a particular user. Hence the prevailing part of the dissatisfaction: when a novice viper cannot get the desired characteristics of vapor and taste (besides, if he also buys the liquid “at random”, without the opportunity to try it first, choose the right strength and the right taste and brand), the inevitable result is disappointment , and not in a particular device, but in electronic smoking in general.
By the way: when buying an electronic cigarette in vawoo, our sellers pay special attention to the individual selection of the model and liquid. The device is selected depending on the desired functionality, smoking intensity, appearance and other characteristics. The selection of a certain liquid is carried out based on the strength of the cigarettes that the user usually smokes, as well as taste preferences.
So what's the bottom line?
And the result is simple: if you have made the final decision to exclude (partially or completely) tobacco from your life, immediately make a choice in favor of high-quality electronic cigarettes from reputable manufacturers. In this case, we will definitely assist you in choosing the right model and fluid. If your only desire is to try vaping for a change, and therefore likely not to quit regular smoking, you can consider cheap or disposable e-cigarettes in the UK. Everything directly depends on your wishes and goals.

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