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How to properly start an electronic cigarette and POD system for the first time.

The first launch of an electronic cigarette is very important for the correct operation of the vaporizer. The taste, the amount of vapor and the overall feeling of using an electronic cigarette will depend on the correct launch.

How to start an electronic cigarette

The first launch of an electronic cigarette can be divided into stages:

1. Impregnation of the evaporator

2.Filling the tank

3.Turning on

4.Setting power and traction

Let's go into details at each stage.

Impregnation of the evaporator

Before using a new vaporizer for an electronic cigarette, it should be soaked. This is necessary so that the cotton does not burn before the first use.

To impregnate evaporators, follow these steps:

1. Take the vaporizer to be used. (Unscrew if it is installed or get it from the kit)

2. Drop a few drops inside on cotton wool

3.Wait 5 minutes

4. Blow out excess liquid if there is any.

Filling the tank

The second step at startup will be filling the tank with e-liquid. Different types of tanks are filled differently. Before refueling, it is better to watch the instructions and video about the device.


1. Fill the tank completely

2. Refueling must be done quickly

3.After filling the tank, the filling port should be immediately closed again.


Different models may turn on in different ways.

2 types of models are common: models with a button and without.

Models with a button are switched on by pressing the button five times. You need to press quickly, within 2 seconds. If you press too slowly, the electronic cigarette may not turn on.

Models without a button do not require switching on. It is enough to insert the evaporator or cartridge, make sure that the model is charged and you can smoke.

Power and traction settings

Some models of electronic cigarettes are equipped with a power regulator and a draft (air intake) regulator.

Power regulation

Power control allows you to adjust the power depending on the installed evaporator. Each evaporator has an operating power range. The power range is indicated on the evaporator, or in the instructions.

It is worth checking the set power with a range that corresponds to this range.

Some more modern models are able to automatically set the power based on the installed evaporator. In this case, you should only check the automatically set power with the operating range.

The power range allows you to adjust the power according to personal preference. But do not set the minimum or maximum power level. It is better to put the power somewhere in the middle. In this case, the evaporator will evaporate normally and last longer.

Draft regulator, air

When vaping, we inhale a mixture of steam and air. The draft regulator allows you to adjust the mixture and the tightness of the puff.

But tightness can only be adjusted within acceptable limits. For example, if you purchased a model for hookah draft (for example, Eleaf iJust 3), then it is impossible to block the airflow and get cigarette draft.

This is due to the need to cool the evaporator. During puffing, the evaporator is not only heated, but also cooled by air flow.

The draft regulator must not be closed, it can be slightly blocked and it is worth monitoring the steam temperature. If the steam is warm, or even hot, it is worth opening the draft regulator more.

Recommendations for the use of electronic cigarettes

1.Before first use, it is preferable to charge the battery to 100%. Thus, its service life can be extended.

2. The liquid must be topped up when it reaches the openings on the evaporator. Otherwise, the evaporator may burn.

3. Charging the battery with a weaker source will take longer, but the battery will last a little longer in this case.

4. Turn off the electronic cigarette when you plan not to use it during transportation. To do this, press the button 5 times.

5. It is worth blocking the power adjustment buttons (how exactly you should read in the instructions). Buttons can be pressed accidentally, this can lead to burning of the evaporator.

6. It is necessary to wipe the liquid that is outside the tank, otherwise it may get inside the case onto the board.

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