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How to use an electronic cigarette correctly

What are electronic cigarettes
     Manufacturers offer users electronic cigarettes, cigars and even pipes. Their principle of operation is similar, although the characteristics can vary significantly. Vape liquid does not contain more than 4,000 chemical elements found in conventional cigarette tobacco smoke. Electronic cigarettes are affordable, consumables and accessories last a relatively long time. A standard starter kit consists of a battery, an atomizer, several cartridges and a charger. The kit also comes with instructions that contain basic information on the use and maintenance of the device.
     The amount of nicotine in the cartridge varies. There are also nicotine-free options. That is why a large number of people use vapes to quit smoking. Either way, they are a great way to combat smoking bans in public places.
Preparation: assembling an electronic cigarette

     Before you start vaping, we recommend that you read the user manual. You need to charge the battery before use. The next step is to assemble the vape.
     To begin, wash your hands thoroughly and place a clean towel or napkin on a table or other flat surface. This is important if you will fill the cartridges yourself. Lay out the starter kit and accessories (if you bought them) on an unfolded napkin. To refill the cartridge, you will also need tweezers, a toothpick and, of course, a bottle of liquid.
     Pick up an atomizer and a battery, you will see threads on them. Tighten these two elements, being careful not to press hard. The thread must be straight.
     Depending on the model, the vape can turn on automatically or with a button. The button is on the side. To turn it on, you will need to hold it for 5 seconds. Do not overdo it - this way you can damage the atomizer.
Refilling and inserting a cartridge

     The cartridges in the box are closed with a special rubber gasket. We do not recommend throwing it away, it can be useful for storing components.
     Remove the rubber gasket, being careful not to pull out the cotton wool from the inside, which should not touch the atomizer. If it accidentally pulls out, push it back with a toothpick or tweezers. Make sure that the cotton wool is flush with the edge of the cartridge and does not fall below.
     Take the battery with the atomizer connected to it in one hand, and with the other hand, slide the cartridge into the atomizer. The main thing here is not to push too hard. If the cartridge needs to be rotated, hold the atomizer to avoid accidentally damaging the wires inside it. If you touch the wires, the atomizer will become unsuitable for vaping.
     To refill the cartridge yourself, open it and make sure there is cotton wool inside. Next, pour the liquid from the bottle one drop at a time. Stop when the cotton wool stops absorbing liquid and water begins to accumulate on its surface. In order not to flood the atomizer, the puddle on top must be removed. Just pat it dry with a tissue. For refueling, you can also use a syringe - draw liquid into it, insert it into the filler and press. Insert the refilled cartridge into the atomizer as described above.
     The electronic cigarette is ready to use. By the way, they don’t smoke with its help, since nothing is burned, but they hover, because steam is formed instead of smoke.
What you need to know about the main components of an electronic cigarette

     Vape batteries can be automatic or manual. Models with a button on the side are manual. Automatic batteries have a built-in sensor that detects when a person starts to puff. When using such devices, it is recommended to do a short puff first. This allows you to warm up the atomizer and improve the properties of the inhaled vapor. By the way, the vapor from an electronic cigarette, like the smoke from a regular one, can be retained in the mouth and lungs.
     To charge an electronic cigarette, a USB port is used, with which it is connected to a wall outlet or computer. It is not recommended to replace the vape adapter with any other. Thus, you will protect the device from overheating and extend its service life.
It is important for users of devices with both automatic and manual batteries not to overheat the atomizer. Due to high temperatures, the heating coil of the atomizer may break, and it will have to be replaced. The atomizer is the most fragile part of the electronic cigarette, so beginners often break it. Buy at least two spare atomizers at once.

If you notice that the amount of steam has decreased and it has got a burnt aftertaste, then the e-liquid is running out in the cartridge. You can replace the cartridge with a new one or refill the existing one.
     If you are refilling a cartridge, do not forget to remove the filler from it every 2-3 days and rinse it with running water from the tap. The same procedure should be done if you changed the flavor. Mixing different flavors in a cartridge can ruin the taste a lot. Manufacturers offer a huge number of flavors - from traditional tobacco to various fruits and dessert mixes. You can also experiment and mix different flavors to find your perfect taste. It is worth noting that the aromas of vape liquids disappear quickly, leaving no heavy odors behind. This eliminates the risks of passive smoking, as is the case with tobacco smoke. Flavors for e-cigarettes that mimic the smell of traditional tobacco are made without harmful flavors. They are safe for the vaper and the people around him.
     Over time, all parts need to be replaced. Their service life depends on the quality of materials, the frequency of vaping, the liquids used, compliance with operating rules, timely cleaning, etc.
     The heating element of the atomizer is gradually covered with scale, but it can be removed. The cartridge can be refilled or replaced each time. In any case, the fleece eventually becomes unusable. Plus, it's easy to replace.
     Despite these factors, electronic cigarettes are no more expensive than regular ones. However, vapes are safer and make it easy to reduce your nicotine intake. You will just need to buy a liquid with a lower concentration. In addition, cartridges and liquids without nicotine are produced.
How to smoke a vape
     The principle of operation of an electronic cigarette is simple - press the button and take a puff. For inexperienced vapers, this process may be accompanied by coughing and liquid getting into the mouth. To make vaping a pleasure, you need to make smooth and measured puffs.
     If you take sharp and quick puffs, as when smoking a regular cigarette, leaks may appear in the threaded connection to the battery. Perform even puffs lasting about 4-7 seconds. A common mistake for beginners is double puffs, which cause liquid to leak from the evaporator. As a result, the liquid enters the vaper's mouth. To avoid this, pause after each puff for at least as long as the puff itself. So, the evaporation system will have time to cool and reduce the temperature of the steam. This will also have a positive effect on the life of the evaporator.

While vaping, the electronic cigarette should be held slightly lowered towards the battery. This helps the cotton wool in the atomizer to be evenly wetted and the vapor to be produced properly. It is undesirable to smoke a vape while lying down. In this position, it is difficult to hold the device correctly.
     Also pay attention to how you hold your devices and where your fingers are. Try not to block the air intakes, this will worsen traction.
     If you have a button battery, then puff at the same time as pressing the button. Some sources claim that if you do not press the button for the last few seconds of vaping, you can increase the life of the evaporative system and save battery power. However, such actions can lead to excessive liquid entering the evaporator.
     If your vape has air intakes, remember to clean them with a sharp object or a paperclip. This will help ensure sufficient airflow to the evaporator system.
     We advise you to lock the electronic cigarette immediately after the end of smoking. This only applies to hand batteries. Make sure to lock your device before you put it in your bag or pocket. If this is not done, then the button may be accidentally pressed, which will lead to burning and rapid wear of the device.
     Most models have a cut-off function - if the activation is too long, the current supply is turned off. The option is intended to protect the evaporative system from burnout. Before smoking, the blockage must be removed, otherwise the liquid will flood the evaporator and flow out onto the surface of the housing or into the steam shaft. In this case, gurgling may occur when tightening.
     Those who do not use the lock option risk reducing the life of the e-cigarette. This is confirmed by the practice of many vapers.
How to avoid burning taste
     Getting rid of the aftertaste of burning while vaping is quite difficult. In some cases, the evaporator may need to be replaced. Therefore, it is better not to allow such a problem. For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • Use only liquid filled vapes and do not evaporate them dry.
  • Smoke at optimum voltage. It is recommended to set a suitable value for yourself and constantly stick to it.
  • Make even stretches. This will keep the fluid circulating.
  • Change the evaporator on time. It lasts an average of 2-4 weeks. Over time, the coil is covered with soot, so it changes resistance and reduces the amount of steam.
  • Clean the vape from contaminants every week. This is especially true for those who use the battery in variatt mode.

     The correct use of a vape is understood as timely filling of the tank, regular charging and the use of high-quality e-liquid. It is more rational to start vaping with ready-made kits, which will simplify the transition to electronic cigarettes.

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