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What you need to know about e-cigarette care

Electronic cigarettes are electronic devices that have a fairly simple design. Just a few details that work together to achieve normal operation.

But, like many other devices, electronic cigarettes require care.


Any model of an electronic cigarette for normal operation uses 2 expendable elements, which must be changed periodically for its normal operation.

The first component of the normal operation of a vape is liquid for electronic cigarettes, it is her electronic cigarette that turns into vapor, which is subsequently inhaled.

Without liquid, an electronic cigarette will not work.

The second element that needs to be changed periodically is the evaporator. It is he who is the element that, when heated, evaporates the liquid.

As a result of evaporation, the process itself occurs, which imitates and replaces smoking.

The vapor that is inhaled has taste and strength. At the same time, during evaporation through the cotton wool, the liquid gradually enters the spiral.

Unfortunately, not all liquid evaporates during the process. Part of the liquid burns out and lays down a thin layer in the form of soot on the spiral.

The longer and more intensively you use an electronic cigarette, the faster carbon deposits form on the coil.

This process is irreversible and sooner or later the taste will deteriorate and become burnt, and the electronic cigarette may start to leak due to the burning of cotton wool.

The evaporator of an electronic cigarette is subject to periodic replacement. How often should the evaporator be changed?

The replacement frequency depends on many parameters.

Among the main ones are the following:

1.Intensity of use

2.First run

3. The liquid you are using

4. Manner of puffs.


Since an electronic cigarette produces vapor, this vapor condenses on the elements it passes through.

Therefore, like ordinary steam, it condenses in the form of small droplets. This usually happens under the mouthpiece and around the air intake holes.

So that later the condensate does not spill out and does not get on the clothes, it is worth wiping it periodically.

Be sure to ensure that the liquid is only in the tank and nowhere else.

The presence of abundant condensate, in addition to leakage, can lead to poor contact with the evaporator or getting inside the case onto the board.

Condensation needs to be monitored.

Dust and debris

As with many devices that you carry around with you, your e-cigarette can become clogged with debris and dust.

Such contamination is not a serious problem and often does not lead to a malfunction.

But still, dust on the air regulator or mouthpiece can lead to poor airflow.

And as a result, the evaporator may stop cooling normally during a puff. This can lead to frequent evaporator replacements, as well as overheating of the device and hot steam.

Battery and usb port

Many thinking about caring for the device do not pay attention to the battery and usb port.

The USB port is one of the most vulnerable parts of the electronic cigarette. Often liquid and dirt get in there.

Liquid contact with the port pins can cause a short circuit. Devices with this problem may either stop charging the battery altogether, or may start showing charging on the screen all the time.

Everyone who uses an electronic cigarette should monitor the status of the USB port of their device. You should also monitor the condition of the wires. Don't use the same cable to charge all of your devices.

How to properly use the battery:

1. After receiving the battery for the first time, it is worth fully charging it first

2.Do not allow the battery to be completely discharged. It is better to put the battery on charge before the minimum allowable level.

3. Do not use an electronic cigarette on charge all the time. Using it with a charger connected should be the exception rather than the norm.

4. If you are not going to use a vape for a long time, you should turn off the electronic cigarette and store it off

5. If you are using a model with a removable battery, then during a long break in use, it is worth pulling the battery out of the device so that the battery does not discharge itself.

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